Wednesday 20 July 2005

Search Strategies for the Internet: Search Tools Summary and Comparison

Search Strategies for the Internet: Search Tools Summary and Comparison

The summary and comparison table has been updated with corrections and additions to the column on Exalead.


  1. Morning Karen, in addition to this search tool comparison I would like to see an extra item on the freshness showdown. I was thinking of something like
    A pitty that their results are completely dated :-)
    I started to get interested in this mather after your presentation in Prague.(liked it) Sorry that my boss doesn't allow me to join your workshop "Searching the Internet: Google and Beyond"
    I suppose that there is no way of getting the hand outs?


  2. Hi Peter,

    Sorry for the delay in replying - just got back from holiday.

    On the issue of "freshness", I have considered it but suspect that it would be very time consuming to do properly. I am not even sure that it could be done properly! From my experience, the search engines seem to treat each web site differently. Google, for example, spiders my main RBA site every day, although I have not checked how quickly it incorporates changes into the database. Two other sites that I maintain for a client are spidered less frequently - anything from 4 days to 2 weeks. The difference as far as I can see is that my client's sites are not updated very often so I guess that the search engines try and work out how often changes occur and adjust their spidering rate accordingly.

    Re the workshop (many thanks for the positive feedback on the Prague presentation by the way - I really enjoyed Inforum!), a lot of the reference material such as the comparison table will be available. We'll also publish the Top 10 tips and tricks that we get the delegates to compile. Most of the workshop is practical so it gives everyone a chance to try out different approaches and ask plenty of questions. That means I tailor much of the course as we go along depending on the interests of the delegates so there is not much in the way of additional handouts. I'll post details in this blog when the materials and any Powerpoint presentations are available.

