Monday 6 October 2008

Update on MSE360

Soon after I had published yesterday's posting on MSE360,  I sent feedback to them on a couple of issues  including the lack of a 'NOT' command. They replied within a couple of hours and overnight have corrected a bug that had caused the problem.  So the Boolean NOT does work in MSE360.

I raised another question about a green icon that appeared to the left of some entries in the results list.  This was most obvious in my ego-surfing and I had hoped that that the icons next to my web pages and blog postings meant that they were highly recommended. Unfortunately it is not so.  The little green icon represents a site that you have visited before, but it is  a feature that only Firefox supports.  It is a really neat feature, though, especially for those of us who do a lot of desk research.  It is useful to be able to ignore those sites we already know about and have visited and, perhaps more importantly, to quickly track down the perfect site that we found yesterday but cannot easily spot in the results list.


  1. Thank you.
    I don't often send comments that simply express my thanks for providing me with information, that's what a blog is for! In this case, however, I am really grateful as I, like you, spend a lot of time doing desk research and this feature is going to be sooo useful.

  2. Hi Hazel,

    Many thanks for the feedback. I think MSE360 are monitoring blogs for postings and comments on their search engine, so hopefully they will have picked your comment up. I will feed it back to them anyway. I was told that they introduced it in response to a request from a user.


  3. Thanks for the comments on this feature! It was indeed recommended by a user so it's great to here our users are providing feature requests that others really like. We're currently working on a method to get this working in IE. Thanks again for your feedback!

    Daniel Clarke

  4. yea i agree thanks for the help its rreally useful
