Date: Tuesday, 2nd March 2010
Time: 18.00 for 18.30
Venue: Great Expectations, 33 London Street, Reading, Berkshire RG1 4PS
Speaker: Chris O'Hare
Chris O’Hare is manager at Henley & District CAB. Chris will consider the transferable skills from the information industry, the challenges and joys of working in a small local charity? If you are interested in volunteering, moving into the charity sector or the work of CAB come along and find out more.
Chris has worked in the information industry for more that 20 years, most recently on a freelance basis at Yell. Previous roles include Information Manager for Business Gateway in Aberdeen, Senior Lecturer at London Metropolitan University and Information manager for the Consumer's Association. Chris is trainer for TFPL. Her book Business Information Sources: A Beginner's Guide
These meetings are free and open to all.
Refreshments provided afterwards.
Please advise Norman Briggs, Events Co-Ordinator Tel: 0118 987 1115 or, or Chrissy Allott, Chairperson if you plan to attend
I volunteered at the CAB in Aberdeen for 6 months after leaving university. The training provided was very comprehensive and professional, and I developed skills that I've used in every job I've had since! At times frustrating, very occasionally upsetting, but always rewarding!