Wednesday, 11 January 2017

Google link command gone - never much good anyway!

Search Engine Roundtable reports today that Google is advising against using the link operator in search. It seems that there have been complaints on Twitter and elsewhere that it is returning some odd results.

I have never been a fan of the command; it only ever returned a small sample of pages that link to a known page, so I don't mention it in my workshops unless asked about it by one of the participants. When I saw the advice from Google I gave it a final go on my own domain and got nearly 300,000 hits. "Wow," I thought, "amazing!" Glancing through the first few results it became obvious that Google had ignored all the punctuation and was running a text search and looking for variations on rba including RBS (Royal Bank of Scotland).

No great loss, but a sign that other more useful operators and commands may be for the chop.