It passed with flying colours on my first test search - gin vodka sales uk. My "ego-search" on Karen Blakeman also came up with good results and listed my various profiles on social media such as Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn on the first page. The results from more test searches on other people's names suggest that iSEEK gives priority to biographies and social media profiles. All of my test searches came up with relevant sites and in an order that was different from Google's, so this could be a good Google alternative.
As well as the default "Web" search there is an "Education" option that appears to give priority to more research oriented pages. For some searches, for example "peak oil", the topics on the left of the screen included US school grade level.
To search you can type in a natural language question or keywords, and use quotation marks around phrases, but that is it. There is no advanced search for searching by filetype for example. Nevertheless, I would recommend that you give it a try.
Hat tip to Peter Guillaume for recommending iSEEK.